
Identifier matches made in heaven

In investment management, accurate data is the foundation of sound decision-making. Investors depend on precise information to evaluate risks, make strategic choices, and maintain accounting records. The ability to correctly link investment data to the right entities within your systems isn't just a technical detail, it's fundamental for maintaining data integrity and supporting informed investment decisions.

The terminology and conventions used in human-readable documents often differ significantly from the structured language of IT systems. This disconnect creates a substantial challenge: how do you ensure that information about portfolios, companies, and shares in documents matches correctly to their counterparts in your databases? Manual matching is not only time-consuming but introduces significant risks of human error and requires specialized knowledge that may not be consistently available.

Mesoica takes the heavy lifting out of identification

Mesoica automatically parses investor documents and matches data to the appropriate entities in your systems. Our solution doesn't just save time, it dramatically improves accuracy while maintaining human oversight where it matters most. The platform never accepts matches below certain confidence thresholds, instead providing users with clear information to make the final verification easily.

Learn more, Book a demo

Mesoica’s data quality platform is specifically designed to help LPs and GPs manage their data efficiently. By using our platform, you can seamlessly collect, validate, and monitor data, enhancing communication and collaboration. Our scalable solution adapts to your organization's growing data needs, providing peace of mind and enabling you to become a truly data-driven organization. Start your journey today by visiting our website or contacting us to learn more about how Mesoica can empower your firm to continuously improve data quality.